real_escape_string($_GET['color']); } if (isset($_GET['date'])) { $date = $con->real_escape_string($_GET['date']); } if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = $con->real_escape_string($_GET['sort']); } if ($sort != 'species' && $sort != 'common') { $sort = 'common'; } if ($color == -1) { $sql = "select * from items where type='orchid' AND active=1 AND is_native=1"; } else { $sql = "select * from items where type='orchid' AND active=1 AND is_native=1 AND (primary_color=$color OR secondary_color=$color OR tertiary_color=$color)"; } if ($sort == 'species') { $sql .= " order by name"; } else if ($sort == 'common') { $sql .= " order by common_name"; } if (!($result = $con->query($sql))) { die('An error occurred processing your request. Error: ' . mysql_error()); } $num=$result->num_rows; if ($num == 0) { die("001: could not retrieve specified records"); } $menu_image = ''; $common_name = 'Rosebud Orchid'; $name = 'Cleistes bifaria'; $view = 'table'; if (isset($_GET['view'])) { $view = $_GET['view']; if ($view != 'table' && $view != 'list') { $view = 'table'; } } $num_columns = 4; ?> Florida Native Orchid Gallery at Florida's Native and Naturalized Orchids
ghost orchid

Florida Wild Orchid Gallery

Help! I think I found a native orchid! Click here to inquire about identification.

Welcome to the Florida Native Orchids Gallery. This gallery is a labor of love for the orchids native to my home state, Florida (which, translated from Spanish, means "Land of Flowers").

Many of these photographs are available as high-resolution digital stock photographs, as well as frameable high-resolution art-quality photographic prints. Please inquire via e-mail about these options:

Click a thumbnail below to proceed to the gallery/information page for that orchid:

Click a link below to proceed to the gallery/information page for that orchid:

View Listing As:     Filter Listing by Color:     by Season/Month:     Sort by: "; echo ""; $col_width = 100/$num_columns; $num=$result->num_rows; $currentIndex = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $result->data_seek($i); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if ($date != -1) { $sporadic = $row["sporadic"]; $startDate = $row["bloom_start"]; $endDate = $row["bloom_end"]; if ($sporadic == 0) { if ($date == 'spring') { if (($endDate < 3 && $startDate > 5) || ($startDate < 3 && $endDate < 3) || ($startDate > 5 && $endDate > 5)) { continue; } } else if ($date == 'summer') { if (($endDate < 6 && $startDate > 8) || ($startDate < 6 && $endDate < 6) || ($startDate > 8 && $endDate > 8)) { continue; } } else if ($date == 'fall') { if (($endDate < 9 && $startDate > 11) || ($startDate < 9 && $endDate < 9) || ($startDate > 11 && $endDate > 11)) { continue; } } else if ($date == 'winter') { if (($endDate < 12 && $startDate > 2) || ($startDate < 12 && $endDate < 12) || ($startDate > 2 && $endDate > 2)) { continue; } } else { $tempDate = $date; if ($startDate > $endDate) //interval starts in one year and ends in the next { $endDate = 12 + $endDate; if ($tempDate < $startDate) { $tempDate = 12 + $tempDate; } } if (!($tempDate >= $startDate && $tempDate <= $endDate)) { continue; } } } } if ($currentIndex > 0 && ($currentIndex % $num_columns == 0)) { echo("\n"); echo("\n"); } $page_link = stripslashes($row["page_link"]); $thumbnail = stripslashes($row["thumbnail"]); $name = stripslashes($row["name"]); $common_name = stripslashes($row["common_name"]); $date_added = $row["created"]; echo("\n"); if ($sort == 'common') { echo(" \"$common_name($name)\"
\n"); echo(" $common_name
\n"); } else { echo(" \"$name($common_name)\"
\n"); echo(" $name
\n"); } if (time() - strtotime($date_added) < (2*7*24*60*60)) //less than two weeks ago { echo("
***NEW***"); } echo("\n"); $currentIndex++; } echo ""; echo ""; } else { $currentIndex = 0; $num=$result->num_rows; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $result->data_seek($i); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if ($date != -1) { $sporadic = $row["sporadic"]; $startDate = $row["bloom_start"]; $endDate = $row["bloom_end"]; if ($sporadic == 0) { if ($date == 'spring') { if (($endDate < 3 && $startDate > 5) || ($startDate < 3 && $endDate < 3) || ($startDate > 5 && $endDate > 5)) { continue; } } else if ($date == 'summer') { if (($endDate < 6 && $startDate > 8) || ($startDate < 6 && $endDate < 6) || ($startDate > 8 && $endDate > 8)) { continue; } } else if ($date == 'fall') { if (($endDate < 9 && $startDate > 11) || ($startDate < 9 && $endDate < 9) || ($startDate > 11 && $endDate > 11)) { continue; } } else if ($date == 'winter') { if (($endDate < 12 && $startDate > 2) || ($startDate < 12 && $endDate < 12) || ($startDate > 2 && $endDate > 2)) { continue; } } else { $tempDate = $date; if ($startDate > $endDate) //interval starts in one year and ends in the next { $endDate = 12 + $endDate; if ($tempDate < $startDate) { $tempDate = 12 + $tempDate; } } if (!($tempDate >= $startDate && $tempDate <= $endDate)) { continue; } } } } if ($currentIndex > 0 && ($currentIndex % $num_columns == 0)) { echo("\n"); echo("\n"); } $page_link = stripslashes($row["page_link"]); $thumbnail = stripslashes($row["thumbnail"]); $name = stripslashes($row["name"]); $common_name = stripslashes($row["common_name"]); $date_added = $row["created"]; echo ("

"); if ($sort == 'common') { echo("         $common_name ($name)
\n"); } else { echo("         $name ($common_name)
\n"); } if (time() - strtotime($date_added) < (2*7*24*60*60)) //less than two weeks ago { echo("         ***NEW***"); } echo ("

"); $currentIndex++; } } ?>

Copyright © 2009-2020 Prem Subrahmanyam, All Rights Reserved.
No Text or Images from this web site may be used, in whole or in part, without the express permission of the author.
For further information, see the Terms of Use page.
close(); ?>